I met a guy online. We texted for a few days. He seemed ok, but a little toooo into his career (I’m talking to an unhealthy extent). I’m also Very career oriented but figured I’d give it some time to see what else he’s about.

We then set a date for this Thursday. The texting continued. We had a brief phone call, and he spent the majority of it talking about his business, his work goals, bragging about all the money he’s made, etc. I wasn’t a huge fan – I do get this sometimes. I have a very lucrative career so I often feel men feel the need to exaggerate or emphasize their financial success. But bragging about how much money you have/make and how you’re going to take over the world is a bit much. I continued to mull it over.

Tonight, he asked if he could FaceTime me
I agreed. Physically, he’s not as attractive as his photos. Conversation wise..he went on and on about how works, his goals, etc. There is just no connection there I feel.
He’s boring me, he seems a little arrogant, and I just don’t think I want to meet him anymore.

What is a kind way to put an end to this? A good excuse to provide? I feel bad because he’s been consistently communicating with me for about 4 days now, but I’ve done that with others and felt w connection. With him, I feel bored and like he’s talking at me. How do I get out of this?

  1. Honest but polite. “I’m sorry. After thinking it over, I just don’t feel a connection here. Good luck.”

  2. Just tell him straight up. Hey man I can’t go on a date with you. If he asks tell him.

  3. Is a date even scheduled?

    If so, break the date. Just say you’ve been considering this and you’re just not feeling the necessary chemistry and don’t want to waste his time.

    It will suck for him to hear it, rejection always sucks a little bit, but not nearly as much as it will suck to have gone on the date and then get the rejection afterwards.

  4. If I was in his position I would like you to be totally honest. If you are feeling I’m too much about my work, then just tell it (with good manners, but telling the truth).

    After that, is his choose to take your advice and think about it or look for other woman who feels more attracted to a man full-work oriented, but if you make an excuse that’s not helping at all.

  5. just copy paste this w/out quotation marks obvi

    “Hey dude im not really vibin with you and i feel like you’re wayyy too into your career and it’s honestly a bit boring to me, i don’t mean any offence or anything and i hope you understand, best of luck for the future bruz”

  6. “I’ve come to the realization that not only am I a devout lesbian but I’m also going to attempt to be the first woman to walk on the surface of the sun. Due to these circumstances I’m afraid we can no longer meet up or even communicate as cell reception on the sun is spotty at best. Good luck with all of your future endeavors”
    Just text him that and then ghost 👻

  7. I’ll tell you what women do to me, either block me or ignore any further texts

  8. Just tell him you don’t see a connection.

    I do think your reasoning is a little unfair though. The guy cares about what he does, and he works hard to have a lifestyle that works for him. He’s proud of that.

    I personally don’t think that’s a dealbreaker, but for you – it sounds like there could be compatibility problem.

  9. Better to break it off now than 2-24h before your date. When the latter happens it is much more frustrating esp when you go through it so often as a man. You’ve gotten several good examples on this thread already to follow.

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