About 10 days ago, I found a hotel charge on my partner’s card in a town about an hour away in a town my partner doesn’t work in. He is in sales on the road a lot for work but I know he doesn’t work in this particular city because it’s in another branch’s territory. This charge was back in October. I thought we had a very honest and transparent relationship (2.5 years together and we live together)..so when I confronted him, i was sure he would have a perfectly reasonable explanation.

At first he said he didn’t recognize the charge and that it could be an ATM. which didn’t make sense because the charge read “hamptons inn”. Then a couple hours later, he admitted to being there. He said that he was there alone and going through a hard time emotionally and was contemplating unaliving. This was a complete shock to me and didn’t make any sense but i was trying my best to hear him and understand. He said that he wanted it all to make sense to me and asked me what I needed. I asked to see proof that he was actually working outside of his territory to help out the other branch (he could show me work estimates or emails to clients detailing his location).

It’s been days now and he still hasn’t showed me anything…. At first, I didn’t think that he was lying, but now that he is reluctant to show me what he said he would, I’m not so sure. I guess i don’t really know what to think?
What would you do in my situation?

TL;DR!: i found hotel charges on my partners card and don’t know how to feel about his response..am I being insensitive?

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