So I’ve always dated to end in a relationship:) But I feel like I’ve done that bc I wasnt good with my own life so I tried to get the fun out of relationships. But I decided I needed to break free from that and had a 2y pause in which i focused on changing my life and I feel much better now. So, now I really feel like having fun all the time, but I’m not there yet and also I started dating a guy after 2y and now it just feels good to have someone after such a long time and I see myself acting the way I used to.. I ask questions, I’m getting to know him and all that. I just really have no idea how to date casually even tho I want it to be that way. If I’ve figured anything out during these 2y is that I am NOT ready for a serious relationship 🙁 How do you do it? How do you communicate, how does it work at all?😅😭 Thanks(:

  1. Just be honest and communicate transparently with him, ask him what does he see in this relationship. You have to make sure he understands that you are casual and not serious because you might hurt his feelings so much. Just make sure both of you are in the same boat.

  2. You just helped yourself, use the same words in your comment in a conversation with him and tell him exactly how you feel. That’s what i meant by “be honest and transparent. ” You just told me how you feel. Display this set of info or data in front of him and let him analyze it, and wait for his response, he might need some space before he responds. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT POSTPONE IT, just sit and talk to him. You don’t have to write down or prepare, just be spontaneous and don’t lie. The more honest you will be, the easier it is for you to accept the consequences because you know deep down that’s how you feel, and most importantly, you didn’t lie.
    Best of luck. If you want to talk about further, message me

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