I was wondering who other people talk to when they feel overwhelmingly lonely, but also feel like a burden on their family and friends. Therapy is so expensive, I had to stop going a while back. Now I just live in my head. The people around me expect me to have my stuff together, and some of my friendships are unfortunately very superficial so those don’t really feel like “safe spaces”. My family situation is awkward and uncomfortable. Who do you talk to?

  1. I have a small group of guys that I’ve been very close to for a long time. I’m also lucky enough that my wife is understanding and can handle me opening up about whatever’s messing with me, but before she came along it was the guys.

  2. One of the worst things is when you talk to someone and you can tell that they don’t understand what you’re telling them and just nod back.

    I don’t need to talk to anyone anymore. I can process my feelings and thoughts myself. It took time and effort but in a weird way, it’s better.

  3. I have zero friends and a few acquaintances, I use to have a small group of “friends” but they were superficial as you stated. Honestly there really is no one for a guy to talk to when it comes to deep shit. Sometimes the best way to feel better is to let it go to guys on Reddit, most of us have been where you are and have or continue to suffer just like you and might have opinions to help. So… Whats up?

  4. I usually don’t, lately I’ve been lifting a lot and I’m considering going back into boxing tomorrow to get knocked around a bit. I find that high intensity physical activity mellows me out some and makes me feel better.

  5. I have a couple good, trusted friends I’ve known for years. One I’ve known since 2001, and the other I’ve known since freshman year of high school in 1993. I can go to either of them whenever I need someone to talk to, although the former tends to be better at offering really good advice. He’s helped me out a lot over the years.

  6. I have no one, it feels like. I have friends but whenever I hop on to discord with them, I feel even more lonely. Even going out with multiple friends, I still feel lonely as fuck. This is a feeling I’ve had since I was a teenager and I’m turning 30 this year.

    Going to starts working out, seems like the only route I have at this point.

  7. I talk to my 5 kids, at least one of them is free, However I don’t talk about me being lonely just stuff about them and it makes me feel better.

  8. The ants in the cracks. I tell them they better help me or I’ll get the boiling water

  9. My dog is a good listener. I also don’t feel lonely when I’m as far from civilization as possible.

  10. My mom, close friends. Before she passed away my dog (will get a new dog someday). People I game with, or I just read a book or watch a really good movie or tv show that immerses me.

  11. Myself. I’m virtually my own therapist, best friend, debate-partner.

    I got like.. 15 versions of myself I can talk to. It can get heated some times.

    Mind you, I don’t actually suffer any major traumas or anything like that. Whatever problems I have, I find I can easily resolve on my own, for the most part.

    If something REALLY feels like I just can’t get out of my head, I’ll reach out to my close friends, but it doesn’t happen too often.

  12. God of course. Don’t judge me, a man like me who needs advice is often forced to communicate with his equal for sound advice on matters of import.

  13. I have friends and neighbors who know me and my situation very well, so I’m fortunate in that regard. That being said, I try not to overburden them by being around too much because they have lives and families of their own (and honestly sometimes I’m so busy trying to sort out things that need to be sorted, that by the time I think of reaching out, it’s too late in the day to actually do it). So, I come online and talk to someone for a few minutes, and that’s about it.

    I’m lonely a lot. But I’m working on it 🙂

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