I had a recent experience that gave me something like a mid-life crisis

some background: as far as I remember I was always on the more melancholic side. My teens were spent as a shut-in playing video-games because I never had a lot of friends and I was very anxious at any social setting.

It was only in my 20s once I got an internship and my anxiety started to really act out that I understood that I needed help. After 8 or so years of therapy and meds things started to finally took a turn. Started going to the gym, got a gf, got a job, and even after most of those things fell apart (we broke up after 4 years, I lost my job) I still had in me a vitality that was severely lacking previously

I never stopped looking for a job and, even though it took a while, I finally got one in the middle of last yearthings were looking up again

but then something completely shattered me:
I went to high-school reunion, something I would’ve definitely avoided before for several reasons (HS wasn’t a happy time for me, surprise, surprise) and I saw the girl I had crush on during those years. With this new confidence that I had, I finally took the courage and asked her out and she said yes!
I was over the moon!

but when we started talking about our lives after HS, my heart sunk. She had done incredible things with her life: she traveled the world, lived in england, india, thailand, dated people from all over the world, had lots of friends and a good job

And I compared it with my life: still living with my dad, have few friends and even less relationships and in a job that is soul crushing. I felt like shit, like I couldn’t compete

I tried not letting it show, but that deeply hurt me (not that I’m blaming her in anyway, it’s just how I felt)

things between us didn’t worked out for some other reasons, but the pain remais


It feels like everyone spent their teens and twenties going to parties, doing drugs, having lots of sex and traveling all over the place, while I was (am) stuck in place

what have I done with my life? all those years, my youth, wasted!

now there’s a part of me that want’s to live life to the fullest, but without really knowing how and afraid of losing what little I have if I just throw caution to the wind and end up making more mistakes

and another part that says I should just end it now because what’s the point?

I really need some guidance, I don’t know what to do and my depression is back in full force now

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