Men in relationships, how does your partner feel about you going to strip clubs? Do you think men should be allowed to go?

  1. Every time I see questions like this I have such renewed gratification for my very healthy relationship where neither of us feel compelled to restrict the other from living their life.

  2. They would not approve, in all honesty I wouldn’t want to go either. To me it’s borderline softcore, something which is acceptable in pornography but not in person.

  3. In a relationship, I’m anyway paying enough for a girl to take her clothes off. I don’t want extra issues 😭🤣🤣

  4. I’m really not interested in going, but my wife might be. I suppose if I showed an interest she wouldn’t mind, or would probably come with.

  5. I don’t have a problem with my husband going for bachelor parties or something like that. I’d feel differently if it was a regular thing though and going just because, like weekly or more frequently kind of thing.

  6. I don’t think she’d care, and I’ve never had an interest.

    Who pays to window shop, anyway?

  7. We make fun of guys who go to strip clubs. Allowed, what? If you feel you have to be allowed you have already fucked up enough, you don’t need strippers.

  8. I personally hate them so it’s never a subject that comes up.

    I went to one in my 20’s and it was disgusting and I’ve never visited one since.

    It was not very classy at all, if strip clubs can be classy?

  9. I’ve gone to a strip club once and prefer not to go back. A girlfriend wouldn’t be able to make me go.

  10. No idea.

    I’m single and I don’t even understand why men go to strip clubs, aside from the ones who intend to purchase their services as prostitutes after work.

  11. She wouldn’t be upset because she knows I’d only go if I had to (bachelor party, vacation, etc) and I’d just be sitting around drinking beer and looking forward to coming home to her. I think it’s definitely questionable if a man in a relationship wants to go, but people have different ideas of what’s okay.

  12. My gf would be fine with it. I think people should be allowed to go, though I think they’re a waste of money.

  13. Went once and that was more than enough, so it’s kind of a non issue.

    Different couples have different comfort levels, I don’t think there’s one answer.

  14. Why would you want to pay for a cock tease when you can just fuck the one at home?

    If you’re not getting any…then I don’t see the big deal/why you care what she thinks. It’s not like she’s giving it out anyways lol

  15. I would never go to a strip club, so it hasn’t come up in our discussions.

    Men ARE allowed to go to strip clubs. That’s why they exist.

  16. My girlfriend loves them. She loves taking my guy friends to them and seeing their reactions the first time that they go. She’ll get dances for everyone. I for one am not a fan, haven’t been to one and don’t plan on ever going.
    Based off of my relationship, I know I would be able to go without causing any relationship issues. I mean she would probably prefer I went to them.

  17. I’d only be mad if he went without me because I love strip clubs. It’s like going out to the club, but there’s naked women there. I’m sad that my current partner doesn’t like to go.

  18. I think everyone should decide for themselves

    I personally hate strip clubs and will never go (unless I’m paid)

  19. She probably wouldn’t like it, but I’ve never been to one so it hasn’t come up.

    I don’t like “allowed,” because being overly-controlling can be a sign of possible abuse, but at the same time I can see that some partners would consider regular attendance at such venues to be a dealbreaker.

  20. Not a guy but…whatever here’s my 2 cents.

    I tried (perhaps poorly) to explain to my ex when we were together that I didn’t really care about him going to the strip club as much as they way he told me he was going. He basically said: “I don’t care what you say, me and the boys are hittin the bar and then going to the titty bar because it’s so-n-so’s 21st birthday.” Ok I get it you and your buddies want a crazy night out, whatever…but to tell me that you don’t care how I feel about it really hurt. He just kept telling me I was a buzzkill and didn’t want him to have a good time. In retrospect that was probably a huge red flag.

  21. She doesn’t care if I go. Only a 10% chance I would anyway, because I would have to be going with someone else as a wingman.

  22. Every guy I’ve know who wanted to go a strip club after age 24 was a creep. So I would be more concerned that the guy is a creep then the actual strip club itself.

  23. She would get disappointed that I didn’t take her. Sixteen years married.

    And what’s this ‘be allowed’ nonsense? I am grown, I can do as I wish.

  24. As a female I’d allow my partner to go to a club. It’s the strippers job, doesn’t mean she’s going to take him/her away from you. Plus who doesn’t like boobs

  25. She wouldn’t approve and neither would I. We both find them gross TBH.

  26. Tbh she would probably want to go more than me out of pure curiosity

  27. Well I love naked women. But fuck spending that much money. So even if my wife let me, i would rather not.

  28. She doesn’t not like the idea of it what so ever. I just told her, as long as she doesn’t go to one. I won’t. Simple as that.

  29. Yeah I think men should be allowed to go there although I hate it personally.

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