Ive been talking to a very sweet girl
From my class for the past 2 months. Lately she hasnt been messaging me. I mean I initiate the conversation most of the times. Ive been calling her and what not. Also we have admitted we like each other but not to rush in a relationship. Go with the flow kinda thing. Which is fine. But after 3 weeks of initiating conversation without being egoistic. I gave up 3 days ago and havent messaged her or called her since then. She messaged me yesterday that she was sorry. I was busy with my family. I said hey its okay I understand but u could have just messaged me once & could have told me that she will be busy. But not even opening my message isnt it. She said sorry. I ignored that message. She texted me again. Asking whatsup? Now im in a rock and hard place what to do. Please help??!!!!

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