Did the massive finger calluses affect anything in bed? Did you like going to their concerts? Did you ever have a song written about you?

What were your experiences?

  1. The calluses weren’t massive just firm. Finger dexterity is always a plus in the bedroom although I didn’t sleep with him so I don’t know the full extent of his skills that way. I went to some concerts. There may have been a song written about me but I can’t be sure and would never ask, it could have been about someone else perhaps.

  2. I am a bassist and have played around with some bassists (we seem to attract each other) and honestly, it didn’t seem to effect anything. A musical instrument isn’t = a human body and some dudes lack some serious understanding or empathy, regardless of their sick riffs.

  3. i thought he was super insecure but he ended up having a massive sense of self importance. i supported him a lot emotionally and mentally about his talent but he ended up flipping that around on me to make it like i was the thing holding him back, citing that he was going to move to another state to pursue it. he ended up moving to the area i had always wanted to live in in our home state, which is also where i live now.

  4. The best part of my guitarist ex is he could pick up any guitar, anywhere, and play any song under the sun. His talent was a huge turn on. His personality was a huge turn off though. He thought he was the shit, but he wasn’t. We dated for a few years and he was really self-centered and immature.

    I started dating this new guy afterward that could also play guitar, but not as well as my ex. It was a little hobby of his that brought him joy. He was more romantic and when he learned how talented my ex was, but had never written me song, he wrote me a song and performed it for me. We’re married.

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