About 2 days ago my girlfriend texted me accusing of something I hadn’t done because she had heard from a friend that I did this. Little extra information, the same friend has done this before just for me to disprove everything she said. Coming back to the story, she came out accusing me without ever asking me if it’s true and got agitated and annoyed each time I tried to tell her it wasn’t true, I gave sufficient proof of screenshots and messages to prove that I hadn’t done it, her friend was mad at her for letting me do this allegedly and she took that anger out on me. After disproving the accusations I told her I felt hurt and disrespected that she accused me without ever asking calmly, when a similar situation in the past showed she was a repeating liar.

Little backstory, for the past few days she’s been upset because of some fights with her parents.

Fast forward to today and she tells me she never wants to talk about that because she doesn’t feel she’s wrong and that she can’t bear arguing with me right now. I calmly told her that I felt disrespected again and that I wanted to talk about it because it hurt me but she keeps saying she doesn’t wanna cause she’s upset.

I feel really conflicted and keeping this hurt with me without being able to tell her why I felt disrespected makes me feel really spiteful towards her, she’s adamant on not being wrong and not wanting to talk about it. What do I do about this situation and talk to her about? Any help would be amazing!

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