As a cis woman I have no comparisons hence my question for you. I’m not looking for answers like all bodies are beautiful / the right person will love you for you etc. I know all that but I still have this question.
A small incident triggered me to think about the looseness/tightness of my vagina for the first time. I was with a casual partner (who was pretty well-endowed) doing a good 30 minutes of wild stuff. We took a break and when we started up again, he said in surprise, “It’s tight again!” That confused me, like huh? Was I loose before?
Now I’m wondering if I have a loose vagina. I am 34, thin and tall—though I think that shouldn’t matter?—and haven’t given birth. At the opening, when relaxed, I can put two of my own fingers inside easily. When I tense, they feel snug but not locked in place. Three fit in tightly side-by-side. After the opening it seems more spacious—no air or anything, but it’s like, really soft squishy tissue in there, not like a continuous tube of the same width. I’m just confused about what it usually feels like. Does this mean I’m loose? If I go gradually I can take 6” fully inside, so I know I’m long, prob cause I’m tall. I’ve never had a guy be unable to finish with me, including a couple guys who were pretty small. I’ve never even thought about this before. But now I’m wondering if guys are doing some kind of maneuvers with me to make it work that I’m not aware of and I’m actually loose. I would love your objective opinions. I feel like understanding this can help me be a better lover all the better for myself and others.

  1. Honestly, it could be lubrication drying up a bit. If your earlier activities had left you really wet and your break meant things were a little less *flooded* it could feel tighter.

  2. Most women fluctuate in tightness. More tight when they are less aroused and looser as they get more aroused. It’s absolutely not something to get hung up on.

    (I’ve been with many dozens of vaginas and none of them have loose in a way that prevented me from enjoying myself. Some have been too tight though.)

  3. Probably just natural resettlement back to how you usually are. To test it, you can just ask him in your next play times 2nd break.

  4. Is it not a well known fact that vaginas expands during arousal ? Biggest impact is wetness .. to wet takes away friction = less feeling my partner after giving birth is less tight but i dont think it makes the sensation worse

  5. Vaginas are not tubular so yes they are “more spacious” after an inch or two. I’ll ad a link to an artist who made some internal casts which shows just how different one vagina is to another but they all open up towards the cervix.

    All women I’ve been with loosen up with arousal and tighten back up after so the tightness your guy was talking about was probably just that once you finished round 1 your vagina returned back to its non aroused state which yes is tighter. All completely normal.

  6. vaginal canals are incredibly adaptive (i.e. childbirth) and, as others have mentioned, lubrication plays a large role in the “feeling” of tightness because of friction

  7. All vaginas are different. At the opening, one finger fits tight inside my wife.

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