TLDR; They barely know eachother, I met her at my job, known him 7 years and never knew he had a step sister until I started there.

I’ma try to get in all the details but keep it short.

I started a new job, noticed her and wanted to get her number eventually, then a week later my friend sends me a picture of her and ask if I had met her and that she was his stepsister. so I wasn’t going to go through with getting her number.

Then she ends up asking for mine, and I tell her I’m his friend and she says “Oh ok, we barely even know each other so I don’t think he would mind but let’s just be friends” so I figured why not, and gave it too her.

Now it’s been about a month and I really like her, and her hints have been heard loud and clear, but I want to make sure it’s ok with my friend first because it’s wouldn’t be worth loosing him as a friend.

I could just straight ask like “Hey man would you care if we started dating?”

But ig more so the problem is how to bring it up.

Any advice would be appreciated

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