We’ve only been dating for a month or so, didn’t really know eachother before that. But we’ve been talking and meeting every single day, and things have moved pretty quick. The topic of sex came up and one thing led to another and we tried a few days ago. I am really romantically attracted to her and physically as well, get erections randomly when laying with her or whatever contact we’re making (both of us are big on physical touch) but when it came to the actual act I could not get it up lol. We tried again, same problem. It’s only when I fully think about it. I was too focused on that and I couldn’t even enjoy what was happening and I’m not sure if maybe I’m asexual, too young, not into her…etc. I need advice, I’m very lost and confused.
Also, I’ve never even been in a relationship before. I really don’t wanna be asexual and I’m kinda sure I’m not but still. I don’t know what to think

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