I (20M) am on a gap year and I need money but I don’t think I’m ready yet for the adult world. I have a low self esteem and I’m working on it by myself but I need therapy. I’m facing porn addiction, trauma from narcissistic abuse, depression and low self esteem all at the same time.

The biggest obstacle for me is that I’m terrified of new beginnings, new college, new gym, new workplace, etc. This fear stopped me from going to the gym until I forced myself to go and it was a very good decision, none of my fears became true, in fact I’m so comfortable at the gym now. So I keep telling myself that maybe finding a first job isn’t that scary, but I still can’t get over that fear. So any advice for a 20-year-old in a gap year trying to break into adulthood ?

  1. Definitely do therapy. And just keep in mind that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Especially at your age. You are in your prime years for making mistakes. But if you don’t get out there and make some and learn from your mistakes then you will be even more stunted in this area than your peers as time goes on.

  2. I have this problem too (i made a post but somehow isn’t showing up in this subreddit) and also my fear is of crying in the middle of work by some rude customer (i know that’s inevitable but i’ve been trying to do anything to hold back from crying when i get frustrated even if i don’t want to cry and it’s the only thing stopping me from actually searching for a job, i have tried everything yet i fail) 🙁

  3. You know what’s scarier? Looking back in 10 years with no home of your own, no career and no women thinking you’re worth much.

    Get grinding, king

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