Hello! I am a teenager who was assumed to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder by a psychiatrist at 14. I was also taught as a child that I should always smile, or at least have a very slight smile or smirk put on constantly as a child. That has grown on me and now, it has become a habit to constantly be slightly smiling or smirking no matter the situation.

This habit, coupled with my NPD has somewhat become a big issue in my life, especially when I was 10-15 years old, because nobody ever liked me because of my personality and the constant smile which many people mistook for something different because of my mannerisms. And I completely understand it, if you knew someone who thought they were better than everyone else around them, with a never ending ego and the need to always feel better than everyone, all while keeping that condescending smile on the whole time, you would hate them too.

Since then though, I’ve improved through a lot of therapy sessions and medication. I’m proud to say I’m not half the asshole I was a few years ago.

I was wondering if maybe I should get rid of the habit of smiling all the time, as it might make others feel uncomfortable, or if I should just embrace it. I would simply like to know if people find it weird for someone to always be constantly smirking while talking to them and I want to know if a neutral face would help me make more friends, specifically in high school.

Also, I’m sorry if this question might seem dumb, I only ever got into socializing properly this year and to be honest I know nothing about it. I don’t want to appear condescending when communicating.

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