By this theory, **if the couple puts a penny in a bottle every time they have sex during the first year of marriage, and then removes a penny every time they have sex after their first anniversary, the bottle will never empty**. The decline is not quite that severe, but it is unmistakable. Why?

The article I got this from tracked newlywed couples every six months. The general pattern was clear. **The wife’s sexual desire declined steadily, while the husband’s showed no change**. The same pattern was found for the questions that asked about desire specifically for sex with one’s spouse and for sex with anybody in general. Five years into the marriage, the average husband’s desire for sex is the same as when he walked down the aisle, but his wife’s desire has dwindled.

I wonder what you think the reasons for this are? Does anyone feel they overcame this? Why/how?

  1. That theory is far from accurate. In my marriage my wife’s drive increased. It’s been a decade and still great.

  2. My wife went from having to beg for sex to get any to I stop trying and don’t expect any. I got dooped for sure before marriage when she was more into it.

  3. My wife rarely wants to. She needs emotional build up and connection first. I’m the opposite, I feel connected from purely physical experiences. There’s nothing emotional about for me. So we rarely do and I look at porn and that’s that. Unfortunately.

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