Have been in a monogamous relationship for the last 5 years and have been faithful so I am genuinely confused here and need some advice! Went to a routine gyno appt yesterday and got tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Forgot to make a routine check up last year but was tested 2 years ago and was negative for both. Long story short, I got a positive result for chlamydia and have NOT cheated! I was recently treated for yeast infection and BV 2 weeks ago though. So I am seriously confused, could I have gotten a false positive? But I am also terrified to tell my boyfriend for fear of being accused of being unfaithful and because I have been tested in the past while we’ve been dating and was negative. I also do not believe there is any way he cheated either. Should I wait and get retested for a definite positive? What do I do? I also have considered maybe those anonymous std notification apps but because we’ve been together so long it seems sketchy to try that because I feel like I remember him also being tested in the past and always being negative so it would immediately come back to me anyway. Looking for serious advice here only! I’m really at a loss here and am genuinely concerned and confused because this really makes no sense to me and I don’t know what to do. I love my boyfriend and would never cheat on him and I truly believe he would never cheat on me either, so I really need to know how to properly handle this!

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