TLDR; boyfriend seems attracted to everyone but me, don’t know if I should leave

It’s in the title and I’m embarrassed to admit I’m not just dumping him. This involves me (34F) and my boyfriend (33M), we’ve been together 2 & a half years but don’t live together.

I don’t want to be vain but honestly I am above average but date night, my dads birthday, his brothers engagement, any time I am dressed up he doesn’t say anything about me looking good. It took me two years to to notice because I’m secure and confident in myself and then all of a sudden it’s clicked that he always tells me about the attractive women at his work, the party he went to, the ones we pass on the literal street but I cannot remember the last time he said I was beautiful.

He obviously has lots of positive things he contributes but honestly I am feeling so insecure about this is this enough to bail? I’m 34 years old I can’t just mess around with dating.

Thoughts on this? I genuinely can’t tell what’s ok anymore

Thank you so much for all your comments (except all the weird dudes in my DMs asking for photos lol). I’m reading all of them and I think I’ll just bring it up with him the next time it happens and see how he reacts.
I know this seems simple but it never actually is when you have feelings right? I appreciate all the unbiased advice to help me untangle them 🙂

I don’t know if I’ll be allowed to update this post again but maybe I can update in the comments if anything happens.

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