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  2. Just make a second alliance that’s ‘totally not exactly NATO’ as a placeholder until Erogan leaves.

  3. Turkey should never have been admitted to NATO. They have always been unstable and always trying to play both sides. They have a horrible humans rights history and as recently as 2019 when they launched cross borders raids into Syria aimed at the Kurds as part of a long history of violence against Kurds. All this in addition to its conflict with Greece, a NATO country. Now NATO must pay the price for looking the other way.

  4. Sounds like a European problem. Doesn’t really matter to me if Finland and Sweden join. A lot of benefit to them, and just another obligation for us. Honestly I hope it works. We have enough obligations already.

  5. Form a new defense alliance with England, the Nordic countries and old Soviet states like Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Ukraine later when the world ends.

    My 2 cents no value thought

  6. Sounds like the entangled alliances that George Washington warned us about.

  7. We can always make independent mutual defense agreements that give them much of the same functional protection but bypass Turkey.

  8. The larger the alliance gets the easier it is to play members off of each other, weakening the whole thing,

  9. I’m not terribly concerned if Finland or Sweden are in NATO, but I don’t like what Turkey is doing.

  10. I think Istanbul should be Constantinople again and Greece should reenact the Megali Idea.

  11. Once again another situation where it’s much easier to make a decision on an issue when you’re not the one in the driver’s seat. I’m not a fan of Turkey or really care about their decision in this matter, but they are incredibly important strategically, so you have to weigh whether the cons of pissing them off is worth the hassle. Geopolitics are not a fun discussion.

  12. Step 1: Give into their demands.

    Step 2: Get Sweden and Finland in.

    Step 3: Reverse step one.

    Step 4: Profit.

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