this is a bit embarrassing to even post on a throwaway but i’m curious if anyone else has gone through this. i’m in my mid 20s and still a virgin, and just want to get it over with at this point really, but i’m more nervous than excited at the idea of getting laid right now.

i’m in a band that likes to party a lot which helps with getting some slight interest from girls but honestly so many things stop me from even trying to put a move on anyone. even when i’ve had girls flirt with me i, i wouldn’t even know how to initiate anything if i wanted, and feel i’d embarrass myself or read signals wrong.

even if one of my friends helped wingman for me, i’d honestly be still be scared with going through with having sex. just my inexperience at my age would make me so focused on not looking like an idiot…at basically everything involved in sex lol (kissing, oral, positions). even other stuff just adds to my anxiety after reading the wiki like how easy it is to catch STDs, presumably having to carry condoms around, finding a place to do it, etc. everything combined almost just seems so overwhelming when i know it shouldn’t.

has anyone else been in my situation/mindset before? anything i could do to feel more comfortable at the idea of finally doing it?

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