New to reddit so not sure if this goes here but still thought some of you might find this usefull or encouraging, also english isn’t my native language.

So i have a diverse friend group (around 15 people, equally male and female) ranging in ages in the low 20s to the low 30s. We all are pretty tight and meet at least once a week at the home of one of us.

Some of us are in those facebook groups where people offer free stuff or post to see if something is available in town and last week we found someone asking if he could join a group to hang out of chill with. He asked because he recently moved to the area and due to corona didn’t manage to make friends.

Of course we checked his facebook and after getting EVERYONES aproval we sent him an invite to see if he wanted to join us sometime. He accepted and we already made plans to hang out and go to an event in the area.

What im trying to say is that I know its hard or scary to put yourself out in the open like that, there are almost always people in the area that are willing to have you over and try starting a friendship.

His message on the site wasn’t some long text but simply as if he was introdicing himself at the first day of school.

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