I’ve (26F) thought about ghosting her (25F) but it seems a bit wrong.

It seems like she never has time for me unless it’s a FaceTime call for her to vent about her issues. She seldomly asks how I am.

She’ll go out with other friends and never invite me. She’s had problems with drugs and drinking and hanging out with enablers, and when I give her advice, she doesn’t take it into consideration. She’ll hang out with people who don’t care about her, fuck up, and call me crying about how she doesn’t want to do this anymore — rinse and repeat. I understand she’s stressed and depressed and all that, she’s got two kids, two shit baby daddies, and works full time.

I went to her house to clean and she had one of her other friends there. She left for an hour to go smoke with some random dude and spent the rest of her time in bed with her friend. I think that hurt me the most because I stopped asking her to hang out because I figured she was tired of “hanging around the house” but I guess she just doesn’t wanna hang around the house with ME. She never visits me at my place. The last few times we hung out, she’s always on the phone or on FaceTime with someone else — it’s fucking weird. I’ve tried to not take it so hard and tell myself that I’m just more boring since I don’t party anymore and have been unemployed for a while, blah blah blah.

But she loves to tell me I’m her rock, she doesn’t know what she’d do without me, the best best friend ever…

My birthday is coming up and I don’t wanna deal with a call or text from her. Should I text her and let her know I’m over the friendship or just let it fade out?

I want to text her and let her know, but I’m so tired of trying to make people understand how I feel or how they hurt me, and them not giving a fuck. I understand she’s constantly going through shit, but so am I. It feels unfair because I’ve put so much into this friendship and I feel like I just get shit on.

*TLDR: I don’t know if I should I text my friend and tell her why I don’t want to be friends anymore or just ghost her and wait for questions later.

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