The person who may not have had the looks, but made up for it in spades with their sense of humor.

  1. For me, this is a loaded question… because a huge part of what MADE my now-husband attractive to me WAS how funny he was, and still is. His sense of humor was always inextricably linked to his attractiveness – in a good way. Even if I showed a picture of him to any random woman on the street and asked her to rate him out of 10, the picture would almost certainly be him doing a goofy pose, or laughing. Sure, he might not be everyone’s cup of tea physically because pure physical attraction is hard to predict, but I smile ear to ear whenever I look at him.

    EDIT: I think my tl;dr here is that in order to really love the “funny guy,” you need to gel with his particular sense of humor to the point that his funniness ADDS to the attractiveness for you haha.

  2. It was amazing at first, he was super funny, super charismatic, everyone loved him

    But he was awful in bed, and had zero idea how to be a good boyfriend, he made a lot of mistakes and then brushed them off like it was nothing.

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