We’ve got 2 young children and we’ve gone through a few major challenges (infidelity, broken trust, backstabbing)..

I feel like I’m seriously failing as a wife, I’m doing a bit better as a mother. I’m so tired I hardly feel like doing anything. I work full time, cook, clean, extracurriculars.. but I’m failing as a wife. He also works and is hands on with the kids and home.

I’m so afraid he’s going to cheat again, I’d rather just walk away in one piece than be broken by that kind of betrayal.

Despite the cheating.. He’s a good husband and I think he deserves to be with someone who makes him happy. Neither of us is happy. We have moments when things seem ok, but they’re too inconsistent. The kids are also causing issues between us.. the stress they bring is a lot.

I’m slowly giving up. I really don’t know what to do.

I’m ok to be by myself but it will hurt to see him with someone else. He deserves better.

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