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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Just stumbled upon a paper online written by a guy called Hitler. Just to be clear, he’s not just some Austrian guy who wasn’t going to stop being proud of a name that his family’s had for centuries just because of some guy called Adolf. No, Hitler’s his *first* name. His parents made an active decision to permanently bestow this albatross around his neck for the rest of his life.

    In all fairness, he appears to come from a non-Western country (I won’t say which, he doesn’t need doxxing…) where being slightly ignorant about Hitler is at least somewhat forgivable. It’s surprisingly common for leaders of third world countries to praise Hitler or compare themselves favourably to him. Some people are stupid enough to just think he’s some kind of symbol of strong leadership and totally neglect all the whole genocidey stuff.

  2. Looking at classical sci-fi before the widespread use of mobile phones (Asimov etc) it is interesting that sci-fi writers seem to have predicted the future of communication to be very video-based. All those whole body speaking holograms etc. Now we do have the option to communicate by video, but it is a lot less widespread than it could be, mostly because it is not necessary, I guess.

    Or so it was until Covid. I have the feeling that since the pandemic, if I get a lot more meeting invitations (one-to-one) via Zoom, Teams etc and people just give me video calls for stuff that they would have phoned me for before.

    I must admit, I don’t like it. If I am working from home I don’t want to change out of my PJs, and if I am in the office I am more often than not on two screens with a closed laptop, so it gets tedious to navigate with the laptop open as well. Besides, why do you need to see me anyway?

    Those who have online meetings, are they usually with video or not? Which do you prefer?

  3. Trying to uderstand doctors. My ophthalmologist said it’s okay-ish but it’s good to proceed with bigger check-up on all the optical machines in hospital ophthalmology once a year (I’m treated with optical nerves swelling for some years now and according to him it’s not so bad and way better than it was). Today in hospital they brought the blackest scenarios, likely a surgical procedure in near future, and promptly sent me for neurology exam and suggesting further treatment since this is not for them anymore. The neurologist looked into it and didn’t understand why since according to them there’s nothing for them either, there’s no treatment necessary, perhaps just returning to the old pills I’m not taking anymore if some other symptoms show up. Like… what?

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