Hello! I don’t want to rant much but I’m honestly so heartbroken right now and on top of that, I just discovered I’m anxious 24/7 (when I thought my behaviour was just part of my personality).

The thing is I don’t know what guys want and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong because they leave every damn time. I’ve tried dating apps, meeting people outside, older, younger, same age, different working field, same field, different nationalities, making the first move, playing hard to get and so I came to the conclusion that I am the problem since I’m the common denominator. I’ve thought maybe my race has played a role (I’m black) but I don’t seriously know. I don’t consider myself ugly but I’m not the hottest chick in the sea either.

I’m about to finish med school and I’m into acting and modelling stuff so I’ve got stuff going on my life and I can offer new stuff. I like travelling, dancing, the beach, I enjoy reading. I don’t do drugs, I’m not much of a drinker, I don’t smoke. I take care of my appearance, I’m feminine, etc. So what’s the issue?

Personality wise, I’m pretty calm and reserved so much so I have even thought that maybe I’m too boring..? Idk… I do get anxious when I’m surrounded by a lot of people I don’t know or when I’m in a crowded place. I prefer to be alone and in less crowded scenarios. I don’t open myself up easily in fear they leave and they leave whether I open up or not.

  1. Your doing nothing wrong, it’s just called life. Most relationships you have will not work out, they will fall under learning, growth and life experience. That’s true for everyone. And even though you can’t see it at the time, them leaving likely is the best thing for you in the long run.
    This reminds me of a quote…”Don’t worry about the people that God has removed from your life. He saw things you didn’t see. He heard conversations you couldn’t hear and he made moves you wouldn’t make.”

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