Me and my girlfriend celebrated our one year anniversary this Saturday and after a few glasses of wine, we decided to reveal our deepest secret as a sign of commitment. She basically told me that she believes her ex boyfriend was her one and true love in life and she doesn’t believe she will be able to love anyone ever again as deeply as she loved him. They were together for over 6 years, she lost her virginity with him, it was basically her first serious relationship, but in the end she broke up with him when he wouldn’t take the next step (move in together and propose) for years even after they talked about it multiple times. She was depressed for months after the breakup, lost her job, gained weight etc. When she told me this it, I felt heartbroken and even though I am ashamed to admit this, I think my love for her faded a bit after learning that she will never love me as much as she loved someone before me. We talked about it a bit more today, she told me she loves me and is happy with me and also that she doesn’t regret breaking up with him and never even thought about going back to him but I can’t help myself but feel heartbroken. I feel like I am just a worse replacement, a band-aid over a deep wound. Am I just overthinking this ? How would you handle this situation ?

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