Would you move across the world to be with someone you love, why or why not?

  1. No.

    My life is here. I have a home fully paid off, my son is here as are my grandchildren and support system. I might be willing to move to Australia for several months because that’s where my daughter lives but otherwise it’s a hard no.

    My ex girlfriend who I briefly dated tried to get me to move to the next province over and even that was a hard no.

  2. If the person would do that for me too and if moving wouldn’t change my entire life to the worst I’d probably move

  3. Only if that person is my minor child. Why? I adore my children. They are the most amazing people I’ve ever met. I would drop everything for them (as long as they are still children).

  4. If I haven’t met them nor had an IRL relationship with them for let’s say at least 3years and will soon be married to them soon, and haven’t visited/lived in that place for at least 1month… Then no.

    Why: Cus I’m not an naive idealistic and impulsive 13yr old.

  5. No, I would never live somewhere I don’t want to be or don’t feel like I belong, nor change everything stable and happy about my life for someone that, statistically and realistically, very well might no longer be in my life in a few years.

    I wouldn’t date someone not from my country in the first place though.

  6. Depends where. I’m based in UK so I will be okay to move to USA or Australia.

  7. Depends on the context and situation, but I’m also a “trailing spouse” because my career allows me to work from anywhere while we tend to move locations for my spouse’s career, so moving to be with the person I love has been an expected and accepted part of our lives together. Are there places I would veto or refuse to move to? Sure, but my partner wouldn’t want to live in those places either, so it’s a moot point.

  8. yes, only if the relationship is very serious and the decision came from a lot of discussion, compromises, support and agreements. I’d love to be with my partner. plus, I’ve been moving here and there my whole life so I don’t mind rebuilding my life in a new place.

  9. No. I have anxiety. I won’t even move to another town that the one I grew up in. My husband moved here for me. He doesn’t care where we live as long as we’re together.

  10. I was going to. I loved him and the country. Just before I got a confirmed job there, he ended up leaving. So that is neither here nor there.

  11. Someone I already am in love with? Yes. To be with someone to see if we’ve fall in love? Probably not.

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