How do you just “tough it out” in life?

  1. Its that or get crushed by massive depression and the world.

    Aint much of a choice be honest.

  2. You don’t have to tough it out. Find out what’s causing trouble and if it’s not worth the trouble then dump it then go down the list till you aren’t as stressed. Life is more about learning what matters as opposed to learning how to cope with it.

  3. Refuse to get less than what you want. Understand that your outcome is in your hands and take that poor me shit and put it right up that gaping puss between your legs

  4. There is no good without bad, the worst you go through can be counterbalanced by waking up in the morning with your cat and wife cuddled up to you in bed

  5. Read up on classical stoicism. Not the modern “bottle your emotions til you’re constipated and suicidal” connotation, the OG stuff that mostly started with Aurelius.

    It’s all about a worldview that accepts and addresses hardships, is mindful of boons and basically lets you get through things without taking them as a personal tragedy that generates shit to bottle in the first place.

  6. Carrying on is painful. Quitting is equally painful. Only one of these options is worth that pain.

  7. Sometimes I just have to convince myself that at some point in the future I’ll come up with something amazing that will help a lot of people.

    Sometimes I feel the opposite, and I never will.. but it helps to remember that we are all pieces of a grand puzzle… And it might be your piece that solves it, so it’d be a shame to throw it away now, even if your just a lowly corner piece.

  8. Don’t hope for an easy life. Hope for the strength to endure a painful life.

    I came to the point where I don’t like anyone feeling sorry for me therefore I do not complain, no matter how bad a situation is. We choose the paths we decide to walk on and have the power to find the positive regardless of the scenario.

  9. Metaphorically tuck your chin keep it down and move through the punches. Keep moving forward.

  10. Ask for help when you can. Don’t bottle it up, talk to someone. Even if that’s on Reddit.

    Nobody gets through life alone.

  11. Life has its ups and downs, you have to be Abel to endure the bad to enjoy the good. Therapy, support groups and exercise are all great tools.

  12. I find the strength to push through and just continue to do what I gotta do.👍

  13. By understanding 90% of what you think is a problem is nothing more than a mole hill. Car broke down, better than getting your legs run over by a car. Life is always hard, so doing what you can is how you get through it and stop worrying about mundane entitled Karen complaints.

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