I have encountered a similar post but it’s based on a real life experience than a stereotype (plus I have many experiences with my nice US friends)

I have seen these types of people especially in teachings, where you could characterize these aggressive people by; verbally laid-back, “my space, my rule”, but kind of sensitive.

This is specifically seen on teachers, but sometimes it really seems intimidating. Like when I’m in a bad day, and their leaching pitbull like atmosphere hits on the nerves lol

They try (?) to act as laidback like “I’m gonna ignore this part completely” and sometimes goes very obsessed with structures on the other hand. Feels like they’re on a bench, but seems to be bothered by his own but cant handle simultaneously.

So, have any Americans seen these type of people? I’ve NEVER encountered other than Americans, so if there are any tips on surviving these soul-staring people let me know (also if there are any cultural reasonings behind this). Ty!

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