
So i would never have thought that i would be posting something here but i dont know what to do anymore.

So, there is this italian girl that i have been liking for 2 years. At the time she was in a relationship and i was in a situationship. I spoke her on IG 3 weeks ago and we had a pretty good convo. I asked for her snapchat (number is to personal in my eyes) and i got it.

Now we do talk from time to time (1 every 2 days or so) and i would like to ask her out.

Now here is the problem. I know the girl from my village and via via but i dont know her personaly. How do i have to approach this? I dont want to be to fast with asking but also not to late because then she is losing interest i think (if she even has that).

Sorry for the bad english btw! Looking forward to hear a gameplan haha.

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