so recently i’ve (F19) finally figured out how to orgasm thanks to my first toy lol!

now, i’ve been trying to go for 2 successive orgasms in a row when i masturbate and i just barely managed to be successful yesterday. but, i have questions. i know these seems kind of like a survey so i apologize but i want to figure out new methods and explanations towards what i’m experiencing. (mods who see this i apologize if this violates the rules, feel free to take it down if it’s too survey-like)

1. women, does your second orgasm (or the build up to it) feel different physically in comparison to your first? i don’t mean the natural physical response, i mean the pleasure. the pleasure and build up to it was still really good, but the sensation was different.

2. do you find that orgasming a second time (or however many times subsequently after that) takes significantly longer? it took double the amount of time for me to finish the second time in comparison to the first.

3. do you require a different method to finish after the first time? if so what methods did you use or what did you change? i found that i had to change positions and placement of my vibrator to get there the second time.

4. finally, do you lose a bit of sensitivity in your clit after round 1 when going in for round 2? kind of related to question 2, i found it took me much longer to orgasm during round 2 because it felt like i was less sensitive.

for those of you who respond, any and all perspective and insight is appreciated! 🙂

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