Within the pool of individuals open to dating, a large number are seeking long-term, committed partnerships. Those in search of companionship are typically open to connecting with individuals who possess varying qualities and backgrounds. The dating landscape varies greatly based on age, gender, and sexual orientation, impacting individuals’ perspectives on their dating prospects.

  1. I don’t appear to possess whatever it is that women want in a man and I’ve gotten kind of tired of trying over the years while having little to no success.

  2. I’d need to lose a lot of weight before I’d feel comfortable even trying to date.

  3. No one interested in me and I haven’t been particularly inspired by the few people I’ve gotten to know a little.

  4. Alot of trash out there and i aint Tony Soprano. my profession isnt waste management.

  5. People generally do not seek out relationships or try to date if they are broke as fuck and do not feel like they have their shit together.


  6. Had the love of my life for 10 years until she died of cancer. Not ready to re-enter the dating world.

  7. I’ve gotten many women to show interest in me. Interest in the fact that I hold many of the characteristics of an amazing husband and father, but few of the bad boy characteristics that would have them **want** to fuck and have sex with me.

    I’ve felt it with so many, and I get infuriated because it seems as if they believe I’m such a nice guy that I won’t confront or argue with them. That I can be easily controlled by sex.

    I simply won’t settle for a woman that believes she can bargain for a relationship with me with sex.

  8. I don’t think I’m very attractive. I’d love to be able to blame it on that, but if that was the only and main reason, I’d get no chances, but I do. I somehow always fuck up the few chances I do get.

    I’m starting to think women can “smell” that I’m a loser.

  9. I’m single cause I don’t ask anyone out or talk to anybody. Not that I don’t want to, I just lack social skills. I’m also probably too picky for my own good, and don’t have a good job

  10. As I’ve gotten older, I seem to click with people less. I’d had a lot of female friends growing up, but only a small number of them I was interested in dating. None of them wanted to date me until two weeks into their new relationship after realizing they had chosen wrong, and called me to tell me. Happened with four different women. I’ve just gotten tired of being second choice, if any choice at all. I’ve been friend zoned more times by woman than I’ve become friends with guys. I used to also be the first person they would call for relationship advice. I’m far more selective these days about who I give advice to, or who I give emotional energy to.

    To be frank, I feel I have been so devoid of meaningful companionship with a female that I honestly don’t even know how to want it any more. I’m content with my hobbies, my motorcycle, and my job. In terms of things keeping me around, they’re just about all I have that are uniquely mine. Life is short, so I choose to enjoy them with the time that I have. The only way I’ll end up in a relationship at this point is if she wants it enough to vocalize it. It has taken a lot to reach this place of contentedness. It isn’t worth losing in a gamble for a future that may or may not even be conducive to having a family.

  11. I’d love to date, but I can only take so many days and weeks of swiping, occasionally getting a match, getting ignored, and repeating. I’m just tired from life and trying to date is even more draining, plus is destroys me mentally. Better to just not try than keep falling back into the hole I spent so long climbing out of.

    And I’m a nervous wreck when it comes to talking to strangers period. No way will it be easier if they’re an attractive woman. And I live in a rural area so I can’t go to a bar and Uber home, so drinking to talk to strangers is out of the option.

    Summary, I’m just tired

  12. Dating these last three has been insanely exhausting for me. I’ve dropped the dating apps and decided on just meeting people organically, but all the meet-ups I’m into (photography, book clubs) are overwhelmingly attended by senior citizens or couples. I’ve tried bar-hopping with friends, but strangers don’t seem to be receptive to me (its happened enough times where I’m sure I’m the problem, although my friends tell me I’m not). So I’m over it.

  13. If I knew why I was single then I wouldn’t be single. I’m assuming it’s because I don’t talk like a normal person but that’s not something I can change because my brain just works like that.

  14. My experience as a 29M, 5’6″, Indian-American in LA (childfree too so that limits my dating pool):

    -Online dating: I almost never get matches across Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. The only matches I get are really obese women. I like curvy women but I have my limits too (especially because I’m a slender guy). But online dating sucks for everyone so my expectations are low and I try not to let this affect my self-esteem too much.

    -Friends or friends of friends: Most of the friends I have now are in relationships or married. I don’t really see any of my girl friends as anything more than friends. They’re attractive, friendly, etc. but I don’t think I’d date them. Lastly, my friends are not the set me up type and admittedly I’ve never asked.

    Bro, get out there and get some hobbies or join a group

    -My hobbies are pretty set in stone now and I can do them alone, which I often do. Exercising, going to the movies, playing piano, some cycling. In my mind, these are solo hobbies that I can’t really bring someone into. I could pickup a new hobby and join a group but I don’t have time for that. Between work, adult chores, and recovering from being social, I just don’t have that much energy left.

    This sounds like I’m making excuses and I will admit dating is not my number 1 priority right now but the whole experience is such a drag that I don’t even want to put any more effort in. I have about 3-5 yrs of putting myself out there left and after that I’m done.

  15. I make good money, I’m tall, I’m nice, I have good hygiene, I’m in shape, and I have women that want to date me but a lot of the time I realized that it’s SO hard to find someone who actually is genuine and wants what’s best for you, rather than trying to use you. I only have a certain amount of time in this world so why would I waste it on people who don’t even want the best for me? Like, for the longest time I had no luck like most men nowadays and now I see it from the other side but it feels like there’s absolutely no winning either way you put it and it’s demoralizing to say the least.

  16. I don’t know about men in general but I can speak for myself, relationships require a lot of work which is really tiring for me that I don’t really want to do right now, I’d rather just come home from work to silence then go to the gym and watch a show or play some video games, maybe go for a ride on my motorcycle or go play some sports

  17. Focused on other things at the moment. I (29M) work full time in engineering and am wrapping up my graduate degree part time. It’s not easy to date, and I feel vested in the person so having to cancel plans because I need to finish a project or stay late for work is absolutely crappy, and breakups are devastating and break my focus both at work and when studying.

    I will start dating again sometime next month when I get my degree, and can’t wait! I want a family and I feel as if I’m in a stable position again after a while (haven’t been since graduating with my bachelors degree).

  18. Things I experienced as a child really have messed me up when it comes to relationships. I have some pretty deep attachment wounds that I need to heal first. The last woman I became emotionally attached to absolutely wrecked me when she cut it off. She has a ton of unresolved trauma as well. Two unhealthy people do not make for a healthy relationship.

  19. I gave up.

    Getting a date now has become harder than it ever has. In my 20s it was hard, but not like this. It feels impossible now and I just don’t have the heart in me to try anymore. Just gonna focus on having fun, stay fit and maybe get lucky and meet someone nice. Maybe.

  20. 1. It’s very hard to find people in general, let alone women. I’ve spent the last 7 years in college and moving around, it’s hard to get invested when you know you’ll just be gone soon.
    2. It’s very hard to approach when you feel like you’re doing more harm than good. I feel like if I ask, I’m either bothering them or they already have a boyfriend or I’m just flat creeping them out.
    3. Dating apps suck big time. Most matches I get don’t even respond, and even fewer lead to an IRL date.
    4. I don’t have a lot of money. So beyond just paying for a date, paying for the opportunity to even meet people is a strain. Just drinking at a bar can add up so quick, or hobbies like ceramics or ice skating.

  21. I can’t do it anymore dude.

    The bar is too high, and women have a million options. I can put my entire heart into it and get a luke warm response. The apps have turned dating into a numbers game, while I’m not really in it for that.

    The last one messed me up good. I go to therapy, and I have a lot of issues I’m trying to deal with. The last girl I was dating found a trauma trigger, and it went exceptionally poorly. Yes, I was the one that erred, and I fully accept the blame. It was my fault. I own my bullshit. But people are complicated. Everyone is going to let you down, and when the less than perfect version of me came out, she noped out. As is her right, I asked her to stay and when she didn’t want to, I apologized again, and let it die. There’s nothing else that I can do in that moment.

    It hurt like a motherfucker, though. I know that people aren’t perfect, and I don’t expect my girlfriend to be perfect, but when I show a moment of flaw and imperfection, she ran for the fucking hills. It’s still got me fucked up pretty good.

    It feels like women absolutely love the idea of men being vulnerable and emotive, until the real side, filled with Trauma, and Insecurities, and problems comes out. Then they bounce.

    I try really, really hard to not blame all women for this. But God, when it hurts this bad it is so hard, and it makes you not want to date. I don’t want to put myself out there again to only get shit on again.

  22. Because my last three long term relationships resulted in me being on the receiving end of domestic abuse by a woman.

    But if I tried to press charges or even speak on it at all, I’m the asshole.

  23. I don’t have the time, money, energy, social connections, or looks.

    They say you always miss the shots you don’t take, but sometimes you don’t even have the ball.

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