Just curious, I haven’t been doing much lately. I have fallen out of love with almost everything. Games, anime, music, social media and now talking to my friends.
As of result of this I’m kind of getting addicted to the site (You know). Some people said that’s a sign of depression but I doubt I have any depression. I’m starting to think I should go back to school, work, or just go outside just to go outside, hell maybe even exercise because I don’t like being addicted to stuff. But I feel the only way I’ll be able to break it is if I find a passion like I once had before for something. I’m not gonna lie it’s been awhile since I had a burning passion for something.
The other day I saw my sister at a party having fun with her friend, and my brother in this celebrity’s car. I also saw him with a girl😭
(I’m like ok good for you but at the same time, damn that hurts.)

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