So there’s this woman I know and she said she wanted to get some of her girlfriends and do some orgy type of thing but I don’t feel like I wanna do it? I mean sure it sounds hot and all but they’re all older than me cuz she’s like 30 and I’m a junior in highschool so I’ll feel like a loser with no experience. We recently got on good terms again and I really like her so I don’t wanna make her mad by saying no but I think I’d be uncomfortable, especially with multiple people. She already makes me kinda uncomfortable on her own and idk why and I feel like a pussy because most boys would probably not object. What am I supposed to do? Just do it or make some lame excuses or what? I don’t really wanna lose our friendship (or whatever it is) so I’m not sure. And the last time I rejected her she kinda threatened me with spreading rumors on my school so I’m a bit worried about that too.

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