Me and my girlfriend, now dating for 5 years, both 19, have had a pretty normal sex life, and no kinks apart from a little dominance.

With her being always very protective of me and jealous of me looking at other girls, to which I have always complied, I would never imagine she would say what she said to me during foreplay last month. She started of the night by getting drunk, and we went on to play those silly card games, and one of the many questions were about having a threesome, to which I responded that I would not do it, but only for the respect that I have for her, cause having a threesome is some may say every man’s dream.

With a curiosity face, she asked me if I ever thought about fucking one of her friends, which I did back in my uncontrollable puberty horniness, but not for a long time. Long story short, she BEGGED me to talk about it all night, which includes how hot her friends were, how would they take my dick, how would she play with them while I fuck them, and all that time saying: “fuck it, tomorrow ill have forgotten it cause I’m drunk”.

Surprise surprise! She did in fact remember it all, and was mad at me, for saying such vile things, to which I pulled audio evidence of her begging me to say it, and me being a little uncomfortable with it all (although very horny on the inside). After talking a lot, we decided to just forget it all, and that it would not change the way we saw her friends in any way, and that was that.

Forward to last week, when she got drunk again, and out of a different card game, the same question popped up. She promptly said: “fuck what we talked about, tell me more about having a threesome, just not with my friends involved”.

As we stayed the whole week together, which does not happen often, Sex session after session(not drunk), foreplay after foreplay, even if I tried to go around it or not talk about it, she would just demand me to talk about it already, to which she always replied with loud moans and quivering.

The thing is, when we are having sex or during foreplay, she is all about it, wanting to create a tinder account and saying that the week after we would already be doing it, but after she orgasms, she is opposed to it, saying that maybe one day we could do it, but not anytime soon.

To my understanding, she is kind of confused on all of it, and even knowing it is kind of extreme to just go for it already, it gives her such excitement and the best orgasm of her life (3 times over the week), I think in a way I should do something about it, as to not frustrate myself either.

Anyways to go about it?

TL:DR- When my GF is horny, she wants a threesome, and when not, is against it. How do I convince her of either:

1. Stop talking about it at all
2. Try it in a few months time

The reason I consider just stop talking about it, is that in a way it tempts me into thinking about other girls, which I don’t want to do, but fear losing out on great experiences.

How would you guys solve this?

Edit: paragraphs

Edit 2: Final decision: Will just let it ride, whenever if ever she feels like going a step further, I may comeback here for more advice. Thanks all for the advice and opinions!

(Mods I dont know if it works like this but you guys could close this thread now)

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