How do you prefer to meet new potential partners, online or in person and why?

  1. I choose to only meet them in person. I like building a relationship from first meet

  2. Through video games so I get to know their most terrifying mental secrets before I even find out they have a sibling.

  3. Online then in person

    This way we can talk and if I feel like we don’t mesh well I can block them and move on, in person it’s a bit harder to ghost someone I don’t like.

  4. Am I a jerk if I say I don’t want to ? What if I admit that I don’t like to date someone I just met? I don’t want to see you naked yet dude , what if you have really bad grammar & a celestial sun tattoo ? I need to know if you’re an attractive human before I find out if your attractive overall so meeting someone online in my case surely would create a handicap. I’m not looking to either to be clear.

  5. In person.

    I’ve tried online recently and didn’t like anyone 🤦‍♀️ I think maybe I find the jump between online and IRL too big. I also can’t tell attraction with people online

  6. 100% in person. I gave up online dating years ago and have never looked back.

  7. In person, mostly because I’m a very anxious person and meeting someone from online for the first time always gets me super nervous. I’m nervous either way, but online is just an extra layer.

  8. First online then in person. That way I can filter out through deal breakers like values, future goals, and beliefs.

    Plus I’m already pretty introverted so going out to meet people isn’t my jam. I’d most likely only being doing it through friends and I’m not a fan of dating people that my friends know.

  9. In person. I can’t feel like I really know someone if I’ve never spent time with them in person.

  10. I’d prefer in person, but seeing as I don’t frequently meet new single people my age, online is more practical.

  11. I’m fresh out of a traumatic breakup so I don’t want a new guy, but how do you even meet anyone irl? I feel like I have no friends and I don’t really have money for hobbies lol

  12. I enjoy doing both. In-person is more difficult for me to make the first move because I’m shy, but sometimes I don’t like making the first move.

  13. In person. I moved to a new city and dated online for a year, I was meeting 1-2 new people each month.

    It was exhausting. Zero of them were a good fit for me. Meeting online tells you nothing about a person or how they act irl. When you meet in person, you get a chance to vet those things BEFORE you decide on a date. Online it’s a total crapshoot. I would’ve had better luck just putting myself out there at places/events I’m into, and meeting someone I already know I have something in common with.

  14. In person, I would prefer. I’ve never tried OLD properly, I’m tempted to try it but from speaking to people who have done/do it, it sounds depressing.

  15. I would talk with them for awhile online first and if they seemed “normal” I would set up a meetup at a coffee shop, ice cream parlor, etc. My bf and I talked for 9 months prior to meeting and over 3 years later after meeting we are still together. (9 months wasn’t the norm)

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