Soo, I wrote a [post]( in another subreddit a couple of days ago to ask opinions on this situation with a man that works in my same building (we both are 33 yo).

I gave him my number 2-3 months ago and he texted me right after I gave it to him: from there, we texted everyday, he was asking me questions, replying to all my messages, never forgetting one single sentence, so the conversation was very fluid.

I mustered the courage to be clear about what I wanted, so I wrote him that I would have liked to spend time with him outside of work, to get to know him better. I told him “you have my number so if this is something you are also interested in, you know how to reach me”. He replied that he would, as soon as he got back from a work trip. He never did. But we kept texting.

Today I met him by chance at work: since I haven’t heard from him in a week, I thought it was a good idea to try to talk to him to clear the air.

So when we met, I told him I was feeling confused because when I told him I wanted to get to know him better outside of work, and I told him to reach out to me if he was feeling like it and he agreed to do that after coming back from a work trip…well, I understood it as a “yes I am interested as well”. But then he went abroad for work and it was radio silence. I got the vibe. That’s why I talked to him about it.

Turns out, he has a girlfriend but he didn’t want to say so because “I thought you meant get to know each other in a friendly way, and I didn’t want to say the girlfriend stuff because I didn’t want for you to be upset in case I misinterpreted the whole thing”.

Clearly I misinterpreted everything from the beginning. But, there was a huge piece of info missing, I.e. he is already seeing someone.
Since the girlfriend stuff **never** came out whenever he was talking to me about his plans, what he did the weekend/ more personal stuff, I feel like this was not a fair game from his side.

Have I been mislead by this man? Or should I give him the benefit of the doubt and conclude this was all a huge miscommunication issue? Would you have understood that I was interested in something romantic with him, after the text I sent him?

Td:lr; man I have been texting with omitted to say he has a girlfriend. Is this all a huge misunderstanding?

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