I also watch anime. I’m curious if the passion still drives over to adulthood or if it becomes an escape later on.

  1. It has better stories than live action is the simple reason why any man of any age would watch an anime. Your question seems laced with prejudice towards anime being cartoons.

  2. The judgement is real in this post. I’m going to guess that you haven’t watched much anime, if any at all, yourself. Anime is just a kind of media, with just as many types and genres as any other kind if media. There’s anime for children, anime for adults, action anime, horror anime, comedy anime, etc.

  3. For the same reason I watch Pixar.

    Anime is just an animated feature which happens to come from Japan.

  4. Grew up in Japan as a kid. I don’t care what ppl say, I’ll keep watching as long as I enjoy them

  5. Basically for those that grew up watching cartoons and such have a feeling of relaxation to. It is similar to gaming men. If your SO is still working and doing everything he is able to I wouldn’t complain. Anime reaches out to every single person and all you got to do is find the one you like and gauge the same with other ones. I would suggest watching the first episode of each he likes to see if any appeal to you and relax with him as if having a movie night.

  6. There’s a lot of anime out there that’s more aimed at adults, and that teens wouldn’t be as interested in. Even though I’m on the fence with anime, there is some good series out there.

  7. There’s some old school anime’s i watched when I was younger that I still re-watch now as a nostalgic/relaxing thing.
    Favorite is an old school street racing anime like Initial D

  8. I like it. Many shows are actually better than what live TV/movies have to offer.

  9. Hmmm

    Most modern day US based reality or fiction based shows tend to have really crappy writing…

    I’ll only watch an anime if it actually has a good plot and complex themes. Otherwise it doesn’t really do anything for me.

  10. It became my quarantine habit. Plus one piece is pretty dang great. Good story, good characters, good vibes.

  11. Mid 20’s male here and I find most anime to have great stories , great characters, beautiful artwork but there is also cringe anime I stay away from

  12. Yes. I enjoy the media and the story telling. I believe that because it’s not live-action it does not bother me when surreal things are used in the story. The fact that The Elric Brothers can trans-mutate things, Deku being able to jump 1000 stories into the air, Mob’s super natural powers, Giant robots fighting Angels, all of that seems perfectly okay because it’s animation. I wouldn’t be interested if it was any other media because it would just seem too forced. Also, there’s just so much good stuff! Ranking Of Kings, Death Note, My Love Story, Jojo, Stein’s Gate, Kill La Kill, Your Lie In April, Devil’s A Part Timer, Orange, Hellsing… what’s not to love?

    Btw: I also enjoy Rick And Morty, South Park, Gravity Falls, and Regular Show. Not Anime, but they’re animated shows.

  13. Well, there really are not that many animes I genuinely enjoy anymore. Watched „Spirited Away“ a few weeks ago for the very first time and although this one is certainly not aimed to grown-up men, I adored how beautifully the whole story and scenery was spun up. To me, that movie is a piece of art. Some animes like „overlord“ or „one punch man“ I enjoy for their slapstick-like overpoweredness, and that they do not take themselves serious just one second. One piece was good until I found the manga, now I don’t care about the anime anymore. Regarding the rest… dunno. Everything else I try from time to time I find either boring or embarrassing, or, in the case of dragon ball, plainly obnoxious. I really hate when there is one fight pulling itself over ten episodes and nothing of relevance really happens.

  14. 33 y.o. I’ve come to a point where I try to watch all cartoons I like from dexters lab to my roommate is a cat an everything in between (kid me approves)

  15. I think really nerdy kids who are socially awkward SJW’s and have dyed hair give anime a bad reputation

  16. Some anime has amazing art, plot and stories. Lots of it is weeb garbage but they still make great media in Japanese anime format.

  17. I’m VERY new to Anime. I just watched Blood of Zeus on Netflix because I love Greek Mythology. It was fucking awesome!

  18. Me. Its the same shit with games. Just because you are grown up doesnt mean you have to live boring live

  19. Cool art, good stories.

    Some stories can’t be told as effectively through live action. You can look at the Disney remakes to see my point.

    I don’t watch much anime anymore, but I’m currently enjoying Blue Period on Netflix. They’ve done a great job capturing what artists go through in our process. Most people think it’s about talent and it’s not. But it is about drive. Blue Period captured that in the first episode. It also tackles the internal monologue and doubts that we have, the realization that our best still isn’t good enough most of the time, and how the art world attracts people of very different backgrounds.

  20. Story and pleasant artstyle

    I like that anime knows that “mature audience” doesnt mean “swear a lot, edgy jokes” ad infinitum

  21. Because I didn’t feel like I should have to drop all my hobbies the day I turned 18 and just spend all my freetime watching cable TV and surfing social media.

  22. It’s just Japanese animation. In the case of something like One Piece, I watched it as a kid and it’s still going, so I want to see how it ends. I’ve watched animated content from other countries, too. I watch Pixar films that seem interesting. I watch non-animated content. It’s really not that deep.

  23. Because it’s a form of media, and just like any other form of media, it can used in a way that tells a compelling story.

    Anime as a media let’s the writer get away with things that ither media usually does not. The only other forms of video media are tv shows and movies, which are live action. Just the act of making things live action increases the required budget, and usually results in shifty cgi. Also, just the fact that these people are actual people, roots the plot in our reality, which makes the suspension of disbelief a little more fragile than more anime plots can account for. Not to mention that most anime is about teens or preteens, and good actors at that age are hard to find.

  24. Anime is far more creative, personal, genuine and artistic than the bland bleach wished annual feed of films that get fed through an automaton of consumerist studios that only care about the profit margins of their copy and paste shows.

    Why indulge in a typical vampire love triangle story or some “clever” crime series (not really clever just convoluted and edgy) when you can embark on the nuances of a society of steam punk kingdoms battling cannibal titans or an epic battle of good and evil within the notes of a death angel’s book or the unfamiliarity and dystopian predictions of the future in Neo Tokyo?

    These animators spend hours creating every detail of these worlds and stories, drawing inspiration from hundreds of narratives and texts with barely any money, support in shanty apartments from their underpaid multimedia roles. Anime is a harsh profession only for the dedicated plagued with development hell periods which they sometimes don’t get paid for. All to realise genuine art to the public. That’s soul and heart that western media often gets wrong.

  25. I only started watching anime as an adult, I honestly thought it was more aimed at an adult audience.

  26. Why the fuck not? Simple answer, I can choose to watch what I please. There’s nothing more to it, as in I find it entertaining.

  27. Im 25 and still watch anime, when I go to visit my parents, literally anyone entering my room would be like, aren’t you old to watch anime? I just don’t care, I enjoy anime and I don’t want to stop

  28. its an entertainment form man ,just like movies TV shows and novels, you can’t say, grown men why do you still watch movies? just because it’s animation doesn’t mean it’s for kids only

  29. I grew up on it as a child; seeing Inuyasha, Bleach, FMA, etc come on TV late at night made me all giddy. My partner and I foresee ourselves watching anime for the rest of our lives.

    Used to be for nostalgia’s sake, but it’s now much more than that—it’s a medium of story-telling I really enjoy. Some prefer text in books, others prefer animation—to each their own.

    Lots of fantasy world-building that occurs within certain animes just can’t be feasibly be produced without a massive budget. Animation’s done wonders for creative minds to be able to tell their stories.

  30. Because my kids watch it, and honesty it is better now than it was when I was a kid, the boobs just look more full.

  31. I’m in my early 20s, probably not the person you’re looking for. However I believe I’ll always love anime because it tells a story, and I love a good story. Your question can be applied for the people who enjoy the 90s cartoons in the US. Lots of scenes have implied sexual jokes or behavior. I know it’s different than anime, but it can be used in this sort of question as well. It’s honestly not that deep, and there are men in their 50s who watch anime. My dad is 58 and I show him anime clips that I love like AOT, Naruto, Parasyte, One Punch Man, etc.

  32. A good story is a good story, regardless of the medium, and some of the animation is beautiful. I do with they wouldn’t scream every line of dialog.

  33. Why not? Its nowhere near as good as it was in the 80’s and 90’s (which I am a big fan of) but once I a while a gem comes out.

  34. I only watch dragon ball super because it’s the sequel to dbz which was literally every boy’s favorite show

  35. That’s like asking someone why do grown men read books, because some books are for adults.

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