Hi, guys. I need advice.

I \[26m\] touched my girlfriend \[24f\] in bed while she was sleeping. I want to emphasize that she said that she thinks it’s hot and I can do it whenever I want and obviously gave consent but when I finally did it, she had apparently withdrawn consent in her head but never told me and now she’s mad and called me disgusting. She is treating me as if I assaulted her. I am all for understanding what your partner is comfortable with, and I understand withdrawn consent as well, but she told me after it was too late and is treating me like a rapist. I want to ask people from this subreddit if there is something I am not seeing? Am I in the wrong? I would never touch her without her consent and I would stop at the moment consent is withdrawn, but this is a different story.. I don’t know if I can save the relationship or even fight for it after all that’s happened

She occasionally uses reddit so I gave as little details as possible because I don’t want her knowing I wrote about it and of course this is a burner account

What do you guys think? Did I mess this up?

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the advice, to everyone, whether they thought I was right or wrong. I am glad I am not crazy, because the situation totally seemed.. unusual and I was confident that what I did was not wrong, but I started doubting myself

I will just continue adding info in this edit: I may not have phrased it well above but she gave clear consent to what was ok.. Touching, rubbing, even going inside of her (I only touched her inner thighs and grazed her kitty a bit before she woke up. I was expecting her to jump me but was faced with something completely different)

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