myself 24M and my gf 24F have been going out 6 months (been good friends since from we were 14) have took some time apart so that I can work on myself. She has took an emotional impact from me not being able to fully open up, be emotional and show my emotion and to get deep in conversations. She feels like she hasn’t been able to fully understand me which I completely get. She can see I’ve started spiralling a bit and I can see I’ve lost my individuality.

We haven’t set a time limit on our time apart, I asked her was it a break up, a break or just some space and she said I can label it whatever I want but it’s just some time…?

She then said that she afraid she’s put up walls and won’t be able to get round them. She said she hopes she can through some time. I said I hope we can start fresh in a couple weeks, months maybe years and she said me too but we will see, one day at a time…

I am ready to work on myself and grow in our time apart so that if she is ready to rekindle I will be ready, but the anxiety of not knowing when or if she will want to get back with me is tough to deal with…

We have been chatting bits n pieces over the weekend as we agreed we would still be there for eachother if needed but I am thinking of having no contact for two weeks and then getting in touch to meet up and talk everything through.

I’m starting therapy and going to be meditating, journalling, self care and digging deep inside myself to find the root cause of it all.

I would really appreciate some help and guidance on navigating this as me and my gf have a perfect relationship I just struggle to be vulnerable and emotionally invested. I feel like I’ve always been spaced out this past while.

Tl;dr! Me and my girlfriend are taking a break due to communication issues.

  1. She’s not invested into you, 6 months is just not a relationship yet and more like casual dating. Trust me, it’s not your fault, it’s probably her fault because she isn’t really into you and then something has to be there to shift the blame.

    Probably she isn’t really into you and probably she rather is into someone else and she figures stuff out which of you is better.

    All you could do is instead of being vulnerable, give a bit more comfort instead.

    But probably not on her, she’s checked out, and once checked out there’s no return

  2. If this is something you really want to try and make work, maybe seeks some counseling, both individually and together. I met my husband at 24x and we did couples counseling for about a year about 4 years into our relationship. It really helped us understand ourselves and each other. We have been married for 4 years this June, and completed our counseling about 6 years ago. I still bring him to sessions with me now and then.

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