I 18(M) cannot stop acdently interrupting my partner 17(M).
I am going through the process of getting an Autism diagnosis and have spoken to my therapist about this. She believes it stems from what she thinks is autism symptom, of not understanding social cues. She asked if I could ask my partner if he could say pause like we do when we need a breather, and say that I intruped him by accident and to repeat what he has said. However I have not asked that as I feel extremely guilty. He shouldn’t have to stop what he’s saying because I get excited or I get impatient. I want to listen to him, I love him so much and everything he says has value to me. He’s been getting more and more upset with this problem and I have just made the mistake again causing him to cancel the plans of playing games and he does not wish to speak. I’ve shut down the person I love most. How do I communicate and stay patient while he is speaking? I do this to others but it affects him the most. We are to start couples counciling later in the year. truly don’t mean to do this, and have asked him to trace back with me to when it happened so I could see my mistake, which he promptly said the moment I was speaking when he was. It’s not that easy to understand for me as I cannot tell when one is done or not. Help? Please?

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