There are many stereotypes about women’s and men’s behavior. Women sharing their sexual experience with their friends is one of them. And I’m not talking about sharing hook up stories. It’s more about stories for example, how big/small their sexual part is or about how good or bad the sex with your partner currently is or how good their skills in bed are.

I know already that every individual has his own preferences. So I’m asking this women who are sharing. When you are sharing, what are you expecting from your partner or are you okay with it, if your partners would also talk about it? Like about whether your skills are good or how does your vagina look like or what kind of kinks you have.

Edit: corrected some misspelling and tried to organize my thoughts clearer, since English isnt my first language. My question is based on simple observations and stereotypes.

For example, I ve talked with my guy friends about sexual experiences but we ve barely shared our experiences we had with current partners. I was wondering if it is universal phenomenon or just a unique situation.

And I feel like, talking about experiences as women and as men can be perceived differently, because of social norms or something, even if it’s the same thing we are doing.

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