Obviously “being intimate” includes intercourse but do you consider foreplay, fooling around, making out, etc as “being intimate” in a sense as well? I always considered intimacy as being anything you wouldn’t do with a platonic friend, but wanted to get other perspectives from men in particular since I know men and women can see this differently sometimes

  1. I think the rule of “anything you wouldn’t do with a platonic friend” is pretty good. But i think the qualifier “in that way” needs to be added too.

    There’s a big difference between the way i hug my fiancée and the way i hug my friends.

  2. I would and have had sex with people I had no particular romantic interest in. Platonic friend, hookup, you get the drift.

    So if “wouldn’t do it with a platonic friend” is your metric then it’s more about like cuddling and casual physical displays of affection than sex.

  3. I feel intimacy is less what you’re doing than how you’re doing it. I’ve had some very intimate meals p or contains, or just walking silently can be intimate. I’ve had sex that was anything but. In short, I’d say intimacy is anything you’re doing where the space between two people is less than what can be measured between them. It can be platonic of the connection isn’t sexual, as well.

  4. I think you can for example touch person’s face intimately or non intimately. So it’s more about how than what. It’s totally different thing to ask what one finds cheating. I would say anything intimate is walking on a grey area at least.

  5. I mostly agree with your definition of anything you wouldn’t do with a platonic friend, but that’s not necessarily accurate if we include platonic intimacy. I’d say having a conversation that involves being honest and vulnerable is pretty intimate.

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