So am I crazy or…. We are a straight married couple with friends who also are a straight married couple. They seem to have different views which is totally fine, diverse friend groups are great.
On the other hand, ourselves ..being very mm ..maybe more on the conservative side. Also me and my spouse grew up in abusive homes , living with addiction, abuse , SA. I have ptsd/anxiety from a lot of my traumatic childhood and still are working thru it. Thank goodness for anxiety meds and therapy.
However the issue is, this friend of ours just the one , that’s married to his spouse.
Keeps bringing up strip clubs /adult entertainment etc…
My spouse and I have made it clear where we stand and ask them to just respect our boundaries. We respect theirs and it never causes a fight.
But tonight was over the limit for me…. I need your advice.
Could they possibly be swingers ? Or why do they mention going to strip clubs, lifestyle innuendos… and things of that nature. When we have made our stance clear. But somehow they are trying to pressure my spouse either alone or when we are all together, to engage in such activity. Your advice is appreciated. Please no judgement to anyone. Just really wondering , because it keeps being mentioned in conversation, and really killin my vibe .☮️

  1. “Why do you keep bringing up strip clubs and/or adult entertainment?”

    If you want to know the answer you’ll ask it in a curious way. If you’re pissed off, shout.

  2. Just for my understanding.

    What would it mean for you if they were swingers?
    And If you respect their boundaries, why does it matter?
    And why does it bothering you?

    But bottomline is that you feel bothered that they’re bringing it up.

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