19 M 18 F: We’ve been talking for about a month and a half and about a month in I asked her out on a date. She said yes but whenever we were a little closer (she lives an hour and a half away) however for that month and a half we have talked everyday, been on the phone for 9 hours, and even are mutuals on multiple social media platforms. As you’d imagine we talked about some personal stuff in our lives that we have only told a small handful of people and we’ve gotten pretty close.

So you’d think it’s going well so far right? Well lately shes been making no effort to communicate. No good morning/night text (unless I initiate it first), being left of delivered for hours, and even her going as far as asking to call because she “missed my voice” and then proceeding to leave me on delivered for 15 hours because she fell asleep. And when she would text back after hours of no response it would either be a one word response or just a “hey sorry I was asleep” all of this out of nowhere too.

What confuses me is that throughout all this she still continues to compliment and flirt with me. She would go from one word responses to being extremely bold. I don’t want to ask her about it because I don’t want to make it seem like I’m desperate or insecure.

I feel like I at least deserve to know if she’s into me or not… right? So what I’m asking for is, am I completely overthinking this or am I not crazy?

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