Hello, i am M 28. As the title suggests, i was rejected by a colleague. After months of hanging out on breaks and lunches, i thought i had a chance. About 1 week ago i decided to tell her that i liked her romantically. She was silent and i said i see her more than a friend.
I told her i do not want to stay just friends. She was silent and later when we went home she said she respect my decision. We used to sit together but this week i changed my seat as things were going awkward. Moreover, i went on breaks alone. There were even few colleague who asked that everything is fine as i was roaming alone. I feel like i should part ways with her as i dont see her as friends. Sometimes i still have hope that she will talk to me and we can be together but i guess it is all in my mind.
Sorry for misspelling and punctuation errors but i genuinely need advise if i am doing something wrong or if there is any other thing that i can do. Thanks

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