Alright, so I’ll summarize what’s going on here briefly, I, (16M) am looking to get with a girl (soon to be 17F) who’s on the same sports team/club I’m on. She’s displayed interest before, I’ve gotten a random smile directed at me and even though we don’t talk horribly frequently, when she initiates the conversation it’s always a dumb topic that I can tell she made up just to get some conversation going.

Recently, another guy joined our club and he’s potentially interested in her, though it’s unclear, so I’ve decided that I’ve gotta stop dreaming and make it happen already. I was gonna ask if she wanted to walk to practice with me, and I’d start from there. Only issue is that there never seems to be a great chance to drop the offer, always seems like either one of her friends are talking to her, or there’s too many people, or something stupid like that. I’m stuck waiting for the perfect moment, although it never happens, do you recommend that I stop worrying about this “perfect moment” and just go for it anyway?

TLDR: girl I know is displaying interest, although there never seems to be a good opportunity to ask her out, should I just put the setting aside and just shoot my shot?

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