I’m (21F) starting to give up on dating. (I have pretty privilege in every field of life but dating, so it’s not because of being ugly.) I can’t find anyone captivating enough to consider a crush, but I still want to try to date more and improve my rizz.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been rejected so many times that I’m distancing myself from potential partners unconsciously. These rejections were especially painful because I got used to this bad dating strategy from when I was a kid (befriending the guy then telling them).

Can somebody give me some tips please? Has anyone experienced the same problem? How did you fight it?

It’s like I have this invisible wall in front of me when I try to flirt or dress in a pretty way that I can’t break down.

  1. You just have to go out, be the best person that you can be but also look positive. Like if you’re out and just angry or avoiding eye contact then people will not try to approach you. People can have a bad day in term of looks like a pimple appearing or red skins or etc but just don’t let that ruin your day.

  2. Best tip I can give us to keep putting yourself out there. Dating is like trying to learn a new skill, you are gonna fail a lot. But by failing, you will learn and grow, learning about your own self-worth and what you do and don’t want from a partner. And don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

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