Hey all, I am 33 years old, I have no friends, people on my friends list on Facebook say “I am here for you” yet never bother to check in to see how I am doing, I always have to talk to them first and if I don’t message first they don’t talk to me which makes me think there’s something wrong with me.

I have a lot of health problems and mobility problems so getting out and socialising is really hard for me plus I am an introvert, I have social anxiety and a lot of trauma given I grew up with very abusive parents and even as an adult they were emotionally neglecting and gaslit me the second I started talking about how I feel.

I do like being alone sometimes but it gets so lonely! Am I the problem? how do you enjoy your own company when your chronically ill and really struggling with being alone sometimes I am happy as can be but lately I just feel so isolated, down and alone and I am sick of people claiming to be my ‘friend” but it’s just empty words because they never check in on me yet I always check in on others so it’s always very one sided

Any advice is appreciated thanks

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