In your experience, what is the one thing schools should consider doing to improve academic outcomes for boys?

  1. I think all schools should allow girls in them so that boys learn to socialise better with the opposite sex. Otherwise, if you’re a shy, introverted type, you can go your whole school career without ever interacting with females.

  2. Support different learning styles. Some kids can learn from books, some need to be more hands on. Some require more engagement and can’t just passively learn.

  3. Take time with the difficult boys to teach them that discipline isn’t a swear word before they become delinquents.

  4. Teach them more in accordance to their natural proclivity of **actively** **doing** things instead of sitting down for hours and just listen. It is not ADHD every time a boy cannot sit still and get bored out of his mind in class. There have been numerous small scale experiments that indicate that (obviously with exceptions) generally the ideal methods of teaching boys and girls are different. The school system ignores these differences presumably with the results we see today and many bemoan.

  5. Teach them the responsibilities of men and that it is ok to lose in life. Not everyone’s a winner.

  6. Not punish them for being boys and more male teachers.

    They want to draw a tank? That fine, a tank is not better or worse than a sunflower.

    They are being bullied? They fought back? That’s fine, resolve the underlying issue but don’t punish them for sticking up for themselves.

    Have no tolerance of Misandry, same as any other kind of discrimination, especially from teachers.

  7. Stop designing the education system to favour female students.

    Stop treating boys as broken girls and punishing them when they don’t meet standards designed for female students.

  8. Make a better route to success and happiness based on there own passions and talent

  9. Stop being biased, body shaming and punishing them for standing up to bullies.

  10. Stop feminizing boys and making them something they are not. We medicate little boys, tell them to sit in their seat for hours, restrict their energy, make them submissive. For years data shows that this has negatively affected little boys causing them to have lower gpa’s, national exam scores, and lower graduation rates.

  11. Start holding them more accountable for certain scenarios: girls shouldn’t be taught to cover so that they don’t “distract the boys”, boys should be taught to have some human decency and not sexualize girls for showing some skin.

    But also, favouritism needs to stop. A lot of teachers play favourites with athletes, for example, that should stop. Others play favourites with the girls in their class and kinda neglect the boys, that needs to stop, too

  12. MENTAL HEALTH. Have a ways to discuss and assist boys with their mental health and their problems. i am thinking have a trained psychologist and have the opportunity to help boys with their problems (even if its a misunderstanding)

  13. Teach useful shit and make gym class an hour long to burn off all that energy and restlessness.

  14. I don’t know if there’s a way to fix them. It’s an inherently flawed system in that it is designed to churn out a standardized citizen. The literal whole point is anti-individual needs.

  15. More excersize and physical activities. Mandatory Weight lifting mandatory sports and things like jujitsu. For at least a few hours a day about 2. I did really good at school because i would burn out my energy during physical activity classes keeptd me calm and I’d focus better. Too much focus on academics will burn anyone out. And a teachers that give at least one shit would help out

  16. Stop telling us to be like how girl’s behave.
    Female teachers should stop telling us what men should do.
    Teach boys basic skills like how to take care of a car or how to build something, how to handle finance and in a more practical way rather than just theory.
    Let’s boys fight if they are being bullied, talking it out doesn’t solve anything.

  17. Give them an outlet for their aggression. Let them rip some cardboard boxes to shreds for a few mins every week, provide contact sports/ martial arts classes, don’t punish them for recreational fighting on the playground, sometimes they’re mates having a fight for fun and not a proper alteration. This way, they will be calmer in the classroom having expended energy and aggression which most (especially teenage) boys have.

  18. This whole thing prolly belongs in unpopular opinion.

    The best things to do is to create a fun learning environment without any distractions. So you would need to separate the boys from the girls and remove and and all technology devices during class.

    They can’t and won’t do this. I was always getting in trouble because I would finish my work early and become bored which distracted everyone else.

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